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About SEC

The activity of the Scientific and Educational Center is aimed at introducing new modern practices of personnel development, a system of assessment of its knowledge, skills, competences. The Center operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, within the framework of the normative acts of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

In its activity the Scientific and Educational Center uses modern remote educational communication technologies, which reflects the individualized process of acquiring knowledge, skills, ways and methods of cognitive activity of a person, which occurs, mainly, through indirect interaction of remote participants of the educational process in a specialized environment. which operates on the basis of modern psychological-pedagogical and information-communication technologies.

This approach gives the opportunity to study at a convenient time, in a certain place, to get education without breaking from the main job, no time constraints for mastering the material. In addition, this training method is less expensive than traditional ones, thanks to the efficient use of training facilities, easier correction of e-learning materials and multi-access to them, and interactive communication between participants of the educational process improves the assimilation of the material.

Scientific and Educational Center of Cyber Physical Systems of the Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine also trains specialists in higher education at the third level of education (PhD training) and the second (master’s) higher education under a license issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The scientific-educational center has high scientific, educational, information and telecommunication potential, practical experience of specialists for introduction of new management and development practices of the personnel, system of assessment of its knowledge, skills, competences.

Head of the Center:
Ph.D. Honchar S.F.
044 424 1228